Obesity is a condition where there is abnormal accumulation of fat in the body. The individual’s weight is generally 20% higher than the ideal body weight. Obesity is known to cause various types of illness, disability and even death. The ideal weight of an individual is measured according to his height and weight ratio and a 20% addition to the weight would define an obese person. A Body Mass Index (BMI) measures people who are 20-40% over ideal weight as mildly obese while 40-100% over ideal weight is known as moderately obese. Those who are more than 100% over ideal weight are termed as morbidly obese and face the maximum amount of health risks buy tirzepatide online.
Obesity is a chronic condition which is determined by the individual’s sex, height and age. It does not happen overnight and develops gradually through improper diet and lifestyle. A situation where the energy input and output balance is skewed, obesity develops. A few of its symptoms are:
- Back and joint pains
- Fatigue
- Excessive perspiration
- Running out of breath
- Insomnia
- Snoring (in some cases)
- Slowness in daily activity
While these are the initial symptoms which manifests in case of mild obesity, gradually more symptoms can arise as the individual puts on more weight. These symptoms are more serious medical conditions like:
- High cholesterol levels
- High blood sugar levels
- High blood pressure
- Arthritis of the back ,hips, knees and ankles
- Heart diseases
- Gallstones
- Skin diseases
- Decreased fertility and pregnancy conditions
While these are the primary symptoms of obesity the causes are primarily overeating and sedentary lifestyle. The reasons are mostly found in our refrigerator which is mostly dumped with processed food and all types carbonated drinks. The rise in obesity is directly linked with the consumption of such food and no exercise. Spending a lot of time at the workplace and then in front of the television when at home does not allow any time for exercise or physical activity which could enable a fitness regime.