The smoking behavior sometimes seems to just stick with us!
It really is true. It is not just about quitting smoking. It is really about developing a healthy mind-set, and from that, develop a healthy life in general. Good health is a way of life.
I believe that most of the people who do not succeed at quitting smoking find themselves stuck with it because the only change they really try to make is the stopping of the smoking behavior itself. Everything else remains the same. There life doesn’t really change. But when the goal becomes “being a healthy person”, then “everything” changes health coach vancouver WA. Smoking is only a symptom of an unhealthy life or unhealthy way of thinking and believing. When a person takes an interest in creating a healthy “life”, every aspect of life becomes reconsidered and reevaluated.
After losing the 30 pounds, I discovered other dietary things that I believed would be even more beneficial to my long-term health. By adding these things to my diet program, I started losing even more weight. I did not want to, but I did. I actually got scared. I thought I might have made myself sick; the very opposite of what I was trying to do. I started weighing myself every day because if this continued, I was going to run to the doctor. By the end of the 3rd year, I lost another 10 pounds. I had now lost a total of 40 pounds. Then finally the weight stopped coming off. I was relieved. Fortunately, I discovered that I was just fine. Since then I have enjoyed a few foods (in moderation) that I previously eliminated. This brought my weight back up about 10-15 pounds but I am at a nice body weight.
Here is specifically the point. Making a change in my life for the purpose of being a healthy person had a side benefit. Namely, weight loss. Though this was not my purpose, it is just the natural result of developing a healthy life in general. When our desire is “to be a healthy person and have a healthy life”, then all these other issues (smoking, drinking, overweight, etc.) just take care of themselves, so-to-speak. Regarding smoking, once your desire changes from “wanting to quit the smoking behavior” to “wanting to be a healthy person with a healthy life”, then your whole life focus changes. It is no longer about “stopping” something (which only causes frustration). Instead, you become inspired to “become” something new; to develop something new; a new life! It becomes more interesting and exciting. Can you feel the difference? In many ways, you become a renewed person with a whole new approach to life that changes many areas of your life along with a new purpose and new lifestyle.
To your good health!